Adoring Shepherds are people of all ages who, led by the Holy Spirit, are drawn to Jesus the Good Shepherd in the Host, to adore him and receive life from him.
It is in the movement of grace of the first shepherds that each time they go to the manger, carried in adoration, by the very pure prayer of Mary and Joseph.
Diagram of an hour of worship
Song of worship related to the Word of God.
Moment of silence to become aware of the presence of Jesus the Good Shepherd in the Host.
Short prayer in which I recognize that I am a sinner and that I cannot pray without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Prayer of adoration
I adore Emmanuel for what he is in himself: the Son of the Father, the Good Shepherd, etc. I praise for its many attributes: humility, gentleness, patience, tenderness, mercy.
I listen to the voice of the Shepherd
Reading of a Word of God (choice according to the liturgy or other)
I stop at one or two passages and “ruminate” on them in a low voice.
This is the food of the Good Shepherd.
Lord Jesus, feed me with your life
The Good Shepherd gives his Life for me in the Host.
I tell him about my needs and those of others.
I let him act in me as he pleases.
Here I am, I am your sheep
I am silent in love. I offer myself to him as a host in all that I am, in all that I live. I offer him the world.
Prayer of the adoring Shepherd
Song of blessing
May the Lord bless you and keep you!
O Jesus, Divine Pastor of my soul,
I believe in you,
and I surrender in your hands.
May your crook lead me
in all your ways.
So that the Father’s will
come true in me completely,
I offer myself to You as I am,
in all of my being
and of my existence.
By the help of Saint Mary and
of Saint Joseph,
make me remain delivered to you,
now and every day. Amen.