La Bergerie du Dimanche is a place of initiation and deepening of the charism in a family and ecclesial journey. It takes the shape and color of the middle.
The establishment of the Bergeries du Dimanche responds to the orientations that the Sheep of Jesus movement has set for the coming years:
- Immerse yourself in the foundational grace of the Movement to live out its charism more, to grow in belonging to the flock of one Pastor and thus participate in building the unity of the Church.
Deepening the charism
Promote an intergenerational family-type approach.
Develop a greater sense of belonging to the Sheep of Jesus movement and to the Church – Mother Sheep.
Within the “Bergerie du Dimanche”, the participating families are invited to enter into the grace of the charism, gift of God for the life of the world: “I came so that my sheep may have life and life in abundance” ( Jn 10,10).
Through the theme song of the movement, they enter into the personal call and invitation of the Shepherd’s love to his Sheep: “His sheep to Him, He calls them one by one” (Jn 10, 3b).
The song is a dialogue between the Shepherd and his Sheep… I am the door of the Sheep…. I am the Good Shepherd for you… Come, I call you by your name… Be in everyday life a ray of tenderness and love… Go and get my other Sheep… and the Sheep to answer: Lord I am running at your voice, I come in and I follow you….
“Enter the Sheepfold – Enter Life – Enter through the Heart of Mary – Enter and be blessed”. The word “Sheepfold” refers to the shepherd who gathers his sheep together to take care of them: to heal the sick, feed the hungry, lead the lost…: “(My sheep) I will make them leave the people where they are. are, I will gather them from foreign countries and I will bring them back to their soil ”(Ez 34:13).
Within the Bergerie, everyone has their place: families, toddlers, grandparents, single people, adolescents, couples, consecrated persons and priests;
The Sheepfold is the Sheep-Mother Church who ceaselessly gives birth to the children of God (Sheep of Jesus) … who have entered into vital belonging with their Good Shepherd: “His Sheep to Him …” (Jn 10, 3). “If we are not ‘Sheep of Jesus’, faith does not come”. Pope Francis April 21, 2013.
La Bergerie becomes a community of life which lives in the intimacy of the flock and which radiates the Tenderness of God in its environment.
La Bergerie du Dimanche enhances the Lord’s day and gives it all its importance.